This rustic DIY robe has all the appeal of the reclaimed wood, but with wood and simple tools, it is inexpensive and easy to construct. I was never a large admirer of the fireplace in bricks. It is quite large and improperly positioned in the room, just in front of the kitchen peninsula.
Over the years, I have made numerous enhancements. First, paint the wooden shelf of the brick white, then the brick Marino blue and the cloakroom blue. Every alteration was a major step in the way it was, but something unusual was always there.
I found out the problem, finally. A tiny coat was over this enormous, brick fireplace. When it was natural wood and even more indescribable when I painted it white, the little mantel didn’t appear very nice. It’s no more! For me no more weak bed; now there is a coat with an enormous fireplace. Nobody will overlook this man again!
This gorgeous garment from Addicted to Decoration inspired my robust, rustic DIY mantel. Its directions are first-class and excellent for anyone with a flat-faced fireplace, but I must have changed several things to match the fireplace style I have, which does not cover the cloak.
This rustic coat has a wonderful look, but in reality, it’s a hollow box constructed of cheap wood. Remove your old coat before you start. Beware how your fireplace was attached. This is probably the easiest approach to connect your new coat. I chose to utilize my mantel ten-inch widths because my top of a fireplace has stuck out somewhat, but 8-inch boards would work fine if you had a more reasonably large fireplace. The top and front of the mantle are the two 10″ boards.
Cut the 10′′ boards to the right length first. I thought my cloak was two inches beyond the brick on either side so I cut my boards in length. To attach the two planks wear wood glue and nails. Technically speaking, the nails are visible from the front of the coat, but so small they are seldom observed. The coat is a bit more tricky at the bottom. You don’t want a large area below, thus you need a board that fills the brick on the chimney exactly.
Subtract your chimney from the width of your top board to find that number. I was using a 10″ board on top of my mantel and my boulders were extending 6″ from the wall, so I used a 4″ wide board to fill the space. The board was around 6″ Cut this board into the mantle length and fasten the nails to it with wood glue. It definitely helps to keep everyone in alignment when nailing the cloak with an additional hand pair. More info for Visit here ytmp3
For the ends, you can cut your two wide plates in a long-length manner using the wood fragments left over. Mark where the wood is to be cut to fit into the aperture on every end of the coat. Cut the wood, then bond and finish it with wood glue. Finally, at the bottom of the mantel on each side, there will be a tiny area. To fit this region, cut a 1 “x 2” board and fit it with finishing nails.
With Minwax Dark Walnut Dye I fucked it all. I think this rustic feeling I was striving for is a perfectly dark color. This next process helps to make the coat look like a solid wood dome instead of a bunch of clasped boards. To conceal all wooden cuts I put a veneer at both ends. Read more about 7starhd
You don’t have to cover very much because the surface is quite small. On Amazon or at woodworking supplies such as Woodcraft, you may buy little sheets of fiber. I went to WoodCraft in my hometown and was quite helpful to the person who worked there. They had no small, cheap furnace sheets in stock.
They had a few larger and more costly sheets, but I’m really trying to keep the price of making up this chimney down. He pulled off a piece of wood from his workshop and sold it to me for $5. When I mentioned that I had a very close budget. At every end of my white electric fireplace mantel, I attached my varnish. I had to work with scraps for two pieces apiece, but the seam is not obvious until it’s stained.
Other flakes are pre-glued, some need to be ironed and some have to be glued, so place the flakes for the type that you have used. Leave on each side a minimum of 1/2 inch extra wood. Use a utility knife to chop off the excess wood when the glue is totally dried. Next, sand the edges of the flavor softly and smooth them out with 220-grey sandpaper.
Stick the furnace with the same dark stain of walnut next. The last step is to fit your fireplace with the new coat. In the empty space in my brick fireplace, my old robe was linked to two wooden blocks. These wooden blocks were taken from the previous shelf with wood glue and nails and I glued them to my new shelf. Then I set up the coat of arms. For more information Click here movierulz
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