Some organizations begin with a solid understanding of who they are. Others see this purpose along the way. The team soon realized that it should do more than start with Outrider America as a personal project. This week, hear from a company about Small Business’s focus on the road to adapted vehicles.
What does the company do?
Provides adaptive travel options.
Jacob Lothers, Social Media and Marketing Coordinator for Outrider USA, said, “We manufacture lightweight electric vehicles (mostly driving), with an emphasis on adaptive sports,” We specialize in equipment manufacturing for Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, SPIC customers, etc.”
Industry niche
Drives and adaptive devices with an extended portfolio. “We began our emphasis in 2014 with a lot of common customer reviews from our first adaptive customer, Chris.
How did the enterprise start?
As a project by itself, “This company started constructing its own personal electric trikes with our college co-founders. The organization launched a kickstarter campaign officially.” says Lothers.
Win the largest
Search goal. “We had our most significant win in meeting Dr. Chris Wenner, who came to us to build an adaptive trike. It showed a powerful desire to help disabled people get off the road again.
Highest chance
Start of the Kickstarter campaign. “It was a long process in which we repaid investors and did not know whether we would make sufficient income. Fortunately, we kept our payment on top of it, purchased portable power for over 100 people. If we did not make our savings the demise of Lothers says, we could have designed our completely suspended chassis without it.
The reality is good
There are a few speed records in the company. Others say, “The records of the Pike’s Peak Cycling Hillclimb range are from the quickest under 100 Pound (even the speed of 85.9 mph) to the fastest (our 1st position cyclists have even been on the finish line before they have even set up the finish line banner; one of the big fish stories we’ve liked!”
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