The water crisis in India is getting worse every year. By next year, most major cities will run out of groundwater, and clean drinking water, a basic need, will become scarce in the years to come. While the government has said it is committed to providing piped water to all households over the next five years, the quality of water supplied to households has always been a concern. It also explains why many households in urban India now rely on water purifiers such as RO (reserve osmosis), UV (ultraviolet filtration), UF (ultrafiltration) or a combination of the three.
But finding the right water purifier in India can be confusing. One major problem with RO water purifiers is that they waste a lot of water, often up to 80%. In addition, many homes do not actually require RO, because the levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are already within acceptable limits, and the water quality is only purified with some filtration.
TDS, bacteria and other hazards
According to WHO guidelines for drinking water, TDS consists mainly of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride and sulfate, and small amounts of organic matter . Water purifier installation in Clearwater FL According to the WHO, TDS can also be generated from natural sources or sewage.
RO Water loss
For some households there is no other option than RO because the water has a high content of TDS or it is too salty or has a strong odor. But that shouldn’t mean wasting water, as companies are now providing alternatives to the discarded water. Kent provides RO without wasting water. We have RO with two tanks, one with clean water, the other collects discarded water. Water can be used to wash used utensils, to clean the floor. At the end of the day, you have the option of not wasting water.
Stainless steel storage
Some water purifiers now also use stainless steel storage options, which can add to the cost. The idea that there is a plastic storage tank inside the purifier is not ideal. But as Sharma points out, they are not really needed. We don’t believe in these systems. Once the water is clean, and it’s stored, it’s good enough.
Is there electricity or not?
Along with water purifiers, there are also cheaper non-electric versions. Non-electric water purifiers will also remove impurities depending on the technology used. Some UF technologies offer carbon filtration to remove odors and chlorine along with sediment filtration.
How to select a water purifier?
Before you know what type of water purifier you need, you need to know the available water source and quality (hardness, salinity and TDS).
What is TDS in water, and how much is considered acceptable for drinking?
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a term used to describe the inorganic salts in a solution and the small amount of organic matter in water. The major constituents of TDS are usually calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium compounds and carbonate, hydrogen carbonate, chloride, sulfate and nitrate ions. TDS is usually measured in milligrams / liter or ppm (parts per million).