Every sport has its language, and boxing’s vocabulary is more extensive than others. The ring’s tremendous drama is heightened by the colorful vocabulary of fans and pundits. Boxing may be a challenging sport to grasp. There is jargon, slang, and terminology used to describe the boxers and their activities in the ring. Probellum News recommends that you be familiar with the following terms and phrases commonly used during boxing fights to fully appreciate the sport.
1. Jab
The power shot of a jab is generally the first move you learn in boxing. A jab’s principal aim is to keep your opponent from getting too near to you. To achieve this position, lead with your less-dominant hand, fists up by your face. Your hips should be between your feet, your knees slightly bent, and your back heel raised. Your front foot should be at a 45-degree angle, pointing at your opponent (imaginary or actual), and your back foot should be at a bit of angle. Then, exhale sharply and thrust your fist forward, punching it.
2. Hook
A boxer can throw a hook with either arm, making you one of the most powerful in the group. Although many novice combos include jab, cross, hook, you will throw with your less dominant hand. If you want to take someone out in a single shot, your hook will do the job. To do this, shift your weight to your lead foot and swivel to produce energy through your hips and upper torso. Swing the lead fist horizontally at the opponent and twist to maximize the punch’s impact.
3. Uppercut
Following a hook comes the lethal uppercut, another powerful punch that is frequently utilized in self-defense. You’ll move your body in the same way you would in a cross or a hook, with your arm coming in at an upward angle toward your opponent, whether it’s the air, a cushion, a hard bag, or a fellow boxer. The shoulders, hips, and feet should all pivot in the same direction as you throw the uppercut. Don’t slouch or bounce with your legs. Maintain your footing to avoid being taken off guard.
4. Cross
You can get a little more oomph behind the cross if you use your dominant hand (the one you write or eat with). A cross can be used as a counter to a jab. Take your rear hand (again, your dominant one) and punch it across your body quickly, aiming for the chin. The back shoulder is pushed forward. Simultaneously, the leading hand is brought back and nestled against the face. As the cross is thrown, the body and hips spin counterclockwise. Weight is transmitted from the back foot to the front, causing the back heel to turn outward.
5. Duck
A duck is what it sounds like, and it is what you would move if a friend told you that something was about to fall on your head. It’s a defensive motion used to deflect a blow. Even if you are not battling someone, it is critical to practice moving out of harm’s way. This may come in useful if you ultimately fall in love with boxing and want to try it with a partner. An approaching blow should cause the head to shift sideways and under the strike. Bend the legs quickly as the opponent’s punch approaches to accomplish an effective duck. Simultaneously, move your body slightly to the right or left.
Other terms commonly used in the boxing scene include:
- Bout: A short-duration battle between two participants that consists of four three-minute rounds with a one-minute pause between each round.
- Break: A referee’s order for boxers to break out from a protracted trap or clinch.
- Caution: A referee’s reprimand to the fighter. Before issuing a warning, three warnings are issued. When a player commits a foul, he is usually cautioned.
- Clinch: When two boxers grip or trap one other for an extended period without throwing punches or fighting.
- Down: A boxer is deemed “down” if he hits the ground with anything other than his feet or goes outside the ropes after being punched. Even though a fighter does not fall, he is technically “down” if he receives a significant blow or hits to the head and the referee comes in to halt the fight.
- Foul: A violation of boxing regulations.
- In-fighting: This is when boxers fight at close range.
- Knock Down: A boxer is officially “knocked down” if he does not fall but receives a significant blow or blows to the head, and the referee intervenes to stop the bout.
- Neutral Corner: One of the two corners of the ring that either combatant does not own.
- Rabbit Punch: This punch is deemed unlawful against the game regulations since one of the participants punches the rear of the opponent’s head or body (mostly kidneys). This punch is typically used while the fighters are fighting “within.”
- Saved by the Bell: When a boxer is on the edge of being knocked out or is knocked out just as the bell rings, the fighter does not lose and has a minute to compose himself.
- Standing 8 Count: This word is used when one of the fighters cannot continue the battle due to factors like injury, inability to continue, and so on. In this situation, the referee calls a halt to the fight and begins a count of eight, giving the player the option to continue or proclaim a draw.
- Warning: A warning issued by the referee to the boxer in the event of any fouls or the extension of three warnings. When the referee gives a warning, the ringside judges determine whether or not to award points. The opponent who receives the warning either loses the fight or is disqualified.
- Weaving: A technique employed by professional boxers to avoid punches by twisting and turning their bodies.
In conclusion
Boxing jargon is widespread throughout the English language and is not restricted to the game itself. They are used symbolically in many areas of human existence, including politics, business, life, career, morality, development, etc. When these objectives use boxing words as the source domain, they emphasize the sport’s competitive nature.