If you are going by the often inflated numbers in financial reports and so forth, you will probably picked up on the fact that the original boom and rapid growth of Kolkata in recent years seems to have leveled off. If you don’t know any better, and why would most people know any better about the sort of thing, it would seem like the city is done growing and will probably move into a time of decline. This is the abbreviated history we all study that condenses thousands of years into small cycles allowing us to perceive this, and it’s a misconception all around. Whenever a city grows like this, it will reach periods where it slows down, that’s actually a healthy sign, and the current economic and political importance of the city as well as the many merits that make it such a great place to live haven’t vanished simply because population growth has decreased. In truth, the pandemic is responsible for such a pronounced slowdown, and this is happening just about everywhere.
A bungalow house in Kolkata would have been prohibitively expensive not that long ago, with the bungalows in Kolkata often not being quite the same as bungalows and other places. These aren’t old, tiny houses, but rather compact but very modern and very comfortable places, often luxury in their nature even if not marketed as such. This means that in a city like this, with bungalows like this, a bungalow house in Kolkata is going to be more expensive than one anywhere else, but now is actually the best time in the world to look into moving into one if you are interested.
The problem with real estate is that it’s a fickle thing no matter what part of the world you’re in. A diminished demand or increased demand can both cause an increase in price, with there being something of a sweet spot in the middle where things are reasonably priced. The market has completely bottom out before decreased demand makes things ridiculously cheap, and at that point, there are bigger problems around you that moving to a nice place in a perceived nice area simply won’t account for. Such catastrophe isn’t present, although the pandemic should try, so now, while things are slow down but not bottoming out, you can get an excellent price for a bungalow house in Kolkata, with new bungalows in Kolkata still being built with some of the most exquisite modern standards.
This is one of the safest, cleanest places to live in the country, with one of the lowest crime rates in some of the best amenities both modern and traditional. It is culturally diverse, with plenty of employment opportunities and room to grow, excellent education and is just a generally great place to raise a family, run a business and live your life in peace and prosperity. After the pandemic’s bumps and bruises on society have healed, Kolkata will probably start exploding once more, and you will regret having not gotten an excellent price on a house in the city while you had the chance!