A while back, psychologists could not be sure whatever their field, they learned one thing very clearly: we are all rational, reasoning animals. It was a concept that stuck with us, and explained things well. In a recent article, Nobel Prize recipient in psychology Paul Weiland examines human reasoning, the nature of human Feeling, Intuition, and Spatial awareness, and the origins of human creativity. These three characteristics are what provide the framework for modern psychology.
Theories of Human Behavior.
In this article, Weiland looks at theories and theories of human behavior, and what they have to offer for psychology. Weiland starts off with the traditional view that human behavior is determined by genetics and environment. This views the human brain as a single, functional piece of the biological puzzle, and the behavior of the individuals in that group as the individual’s own design. This view explains human action and communication, as well as human emotions and sensory perception. In his view, the behavior of people is a result of evolution, rather than a result of a particular culture’s ideas about what is right or wrong. With this in mind, we can see that the traditional view of human behavior can be challenged. According to Weiland, there are a number of theory-driven aspects of human behavior, including brain function and motivation, conscious and unconscious processes, and the nature of incentives, etc.
Theories in Psychology: What Are Their Appeal?
Theories in psychology are theories about the behavior of organisms. What makes a theory appealing is that it provides a description of the phenomenon to which it is dedicated. A theory is useful because it allows us to understand the process by which organisms make decisions and act. It also helps us understand how humans make decisions and act, and it may even lead to new treatments for disorders such as depression that have been traditionally attributed to certain specific neural pathways in the brain.
Consistency of Theory and Practice?
A theory must be consistent with itself. That is, if a theory is false, then its contradictions must be equally or more persistently apparent as each new test case. Using the example of a fruit fly, if a theory that all fruit flies are identical to those in the wild are true were proved to be false, then the theory must be false by sheer chance, with no other links between the theory and the wild fruit fly remaining. Likewise, if a theory that human creativity is limited is proven to be false, then it must be false because no other theory with a similar claim to be true has been proven false before. It should be noted that consistency with scientific method is important for every theory. If a theory has a low variability in its predictions, then that means that the theory can be tested and re-examined many times to improve its accuracy. However, if the variability of a theory is high enough to suggest that the theory is incorrect, then it must be abandoned.
Now that we’ve discussed the major themes of human behaviour, we can move on to discuss the major themes of psychology. The first theme that we will focus on is consistency of theory and practice. Since there have been many developments in psychological theory in the last 100 years or so, there is a good chance that your current theories on human motivation and emotion are wrong. However, if you are aware of the inconsistencies within your current theory and practice, then it’s time to start making the changes required to ensure the safety of your theories. Unfortunately, the changes required can often be very uncomfortable, emotional, and spiritual changing. The important thing to remember is that consistency of theory and practice does not guarantee truth, but does provide a path to certitude. This may sound like a harsh assessment, but it is the only way to analyze and evaluate current psychological theories. So if you want to be safe, then start looking into the theories that actually work for you and your current practice.