Folic acid is a vital supplement which is required for the growth of healthy children. It helps prevent defects in the neural tube defects in the womb of pregnant women. It prevents defects like spina bifida and spinal stenosis. If you are planning to become pregnant, then it is suggested that you take folic acid capsules. It not only reduces birth defects but also nourishes the fetus and its neural cells.
- The National Health and wellbeing commission have formulated recommended daily allowances of folic acid capsules based on age. Based on your weight and height, you are classified into a low, medium and high risk category. Based on these classifications, doctors suggest appropriate doses of folic acid capsules for pregnant women. Based on these, you can buy folic acid capsules from any store selling health supplements. But you need to check with your doctor whether you are consuming sufficient amounts of folic acid and whether there are any problems related to side effects in your body.
- According to research, folic acid capsules have also shown positive effects on people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, HIV, depression, diabetes and other diseases. These include dyslexia, ADD, dementia, MS, and stroke. However, before buying any kind of folic acid capsules to make sure that you do not consume more than recommended by your doctor.
- In the market you will find a wide range of folic acid supplements. However, they vary in their ingredients as well as in the dosage amount. Some of them contain only folic acid while some of them provide additional ingredients like vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, etc. While choosing folic acid diet pills, make sure that they are made from natural ingredients and that they do not contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic substances. It is highly recommended to choose those pills that come with an assurance of a money back guarantee. These guarantee plans often state that the product will provide the expected results, if used properly.
- Folic acid is essential in ensuring the proper development of the central nervous system of a baby. A pregnant woman must take care to avoid consuming toxic compounds, such as those derived from pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Although, research has clearly stated that folic acid has no known side effects so far, but pregnant women must be careful about consuming them, especially when there are other types of supplements available in the market that contain higher levels of acids.
- Folic acid capsules must not be consumed by pregnant women during their second trimester of pregnancy. The benefits of folic acid have been realized by most medical practitioners all over the world and these benefits have been proven beyond doubt.
If you want to protect your baby from developing various health problems, it would be better to use folic acid along with vitamins and minerals, apart from a healthy diet and regular exercise.
If you think we missed out on something or you have any tips or suggestions, feel free to share with us in the comments section below.
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